Saturday, November 24, 2007

A Saturday with absolutely nothing to do...

For the first time, maybe all year long, I have absolutely nothing to do........


The little people who live with me and my wife decided to let us sleep in.....and when I say sleep in ...that means we have to wake up and watch cartoons..... but we don't have to leave the warmth of the bed...I am glad we got the big bed now.....

Heather has YOGA this morning...which is stretching without a purpose...but OMG do some of these positions look like they hurt....

I can see stretching before a run or games....or sometimes even a practice...but before "nothing"...seems pretty sadistic.

Heather ran in another race on Thursday...."The Turkey Trot"
Let me set the stage - Mud, 35 degrees, down-pouring rain, 1500 crazy people in underarmer and winter gear, did I mention the mud? , 4 miles and

Friday, November 23, 2007

Day One - Still tired from the move.

....It was a black Friday if I have ever seen one.....cold and grey....way too many people in the mix....but I did get to go out to lunch with my beautiful wife.......