Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Old Swithceroo

So, sometimes when you see a website or article in the paper, or even a magazine....they switch the pictures for the story with non-story based generic pictures.....stock photos if you will.

Well, the other day I was reading my daughter's blog...and all the way at the bottom was an entry for "My Cat Scout". Now everyone knows that Scout was actually a present for me, from my wife. So when I saw the picture in the blog....I thought it was absolutely unbelievable that she would post a picture of a cat that doesn't even look like Scout. I asked her why she would do that and her answer was....."it kinda looks like her". Why wouldn't she even use a photo of her actual cat? Its like the Chinese girl in the Olympics who sang the opening ceremonies not the ugly one....the cute one everyone saw........

here is the picture of fake Scout...

Here is the actual picture of Scout....

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