Thursday, November 27, 2008

Four Point Four - The Sequel

Well, I am happy to say that there are a lot of sadistic people in Rochester, so my wife is not that crazy after all. I was able to finsh the race in 44 minutes, not bad for not having run in two years. My wife did the most amazing thing and gave up a respectable time to run with me. I had one goal in mind run the entire race, but i had to walk for about a happened right around mile 3. My wife was great today. She stayed with me the whole way and kept me going. My Ipod on the other hand gave up on me again after mile 3. This is the fourth time the IPOD has frozen when I run. It hates running.

1 comment:

cosmo said...

I love you. Today was fun. You need to add more songs or take the song option off your blog, goofball.